
Liquat National Hospital And Medical College Admissions Open 2016

Admissions Open For Spring 2016 At LNMC Karachi Campus

Last date to apply is Saturday, January 16, 2016

Admissions Open at Liquat National Hospital And Medical College's Karachi Campus for the batch Spring 2016. LNMC offers admissions in different fields of study for Bachelors. you can apply for BS - Bachelor of Science, , .
Liaquat National Hospital & medical college, institute for postgraduate medical studies and health sciences offers admission in liaquat national school of diagnostic laboratory sciences BS - Medical technology affiliated with university of karachi (UOK), medical college is serving medical technology-clinical laboratory since 25 years.
forms along with the prospectus can be obtained from cash counter administrative block C, liaquat national hospital on payment of rupees 700.

Courses Offered

Bachelors Courses

BS - Bachelor of Science

Masters Courses

no course offered for masters for computer field

Phd Courses

no course offered for for phd for computer field

Admissions Offered In Following Fields

Medical Technology Specialization in Clinical Laboratory Sciences

Eligibility Criteria

Bachelors Eligibility

intermediate science (pre-medical) with 50% or above marks from the recognized college or institution.

Masters Eligibility

No course offered for masters for computer field so no eligibility for masters :)

PhD. Eligibility

No course offered for Ph.D. for computer field so no eligibility for Ph.D. :)

Dates To Remember

Last Date to Apply Saturday, January 16, 2016
Forms Available From Monday, January 4, 2016
Test / Interview Date Test or Interview date is not mentioned in newspaper advertisement, not sure is they take interview or not, please contact university admission office for information
Commencement Of Classes Commencement of Classes date is not mentioned in newspaper advertisement, please contact university admission office for information

University Information

University Name Liquat National Hospital And Medical College
University Short Name LNMC
University URL
University Admission URL

For more information about university or admissions please visit university's url or visit university's admission url to apply online or for any information regarding admissions


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